

According to Provisional  population census -2011
Sr. Head Unit Period Details
1 Geographical Area Sq KM 2011 4544
2.1 Population
2.1.1 Male No. in Thousand 2011 906
2.1.2 Female No. in Thousand 2011 784
2.1.3 Total No. in Thousand 2011 1690
2.1.4 Rural No. in Thousand 2011 1271
2.1.5 Urban No. in Thousand 2011 419
2.1.6 SC No. in Thousand 2011 468
2.1.7 ST No. in Thousand 2011 0.83
2.2 Number Of Litrate Persons
2.2.1 Total No. in Thousand 2011 1075.20
2.2.2 Male No. in Thousand 2011 653.43
2.2.3 Female No. in Thousand 2011 421.77
2.3 Number Of Families Living Blow Poverty line
2.3.1 Rural No. in Thousand 2002 102.96
2.3.2 Urban No. in Thousand 2002 11.17
2.3.3 Total No. in Thousand 2002 114.13
3 Number Of Constituencies
3.1 Parliament cons. Number 2015-16 1
3.2 Assembly Cons. Number 2015-16 3
4 Tehsils Number 2015-16 5
5 Communit Developements Block Number 2015-16 9
6 Nyay Panchayat Number 2015-16 81
7 Village Panchayat Number 2015-16 575
8 Village Population
8.1 Habitat Village Number 2015-16 942
8.2 Inhabited Village Number 2015-16 209
8.3 Total Village Number 2015-16 1151
9 Town and city Group Number 2015-16 10
10 Muncipal Corporation Number 2015-16 0
11 Muncipa Council Number 2015-16 4
12 Cantonment Area Number 2015-16 0
13 Nagar Panchayat Number 2015-16 6
14 Census Town Number 20111 0
15 Police Station
15.1 Rural Number 2015-16 12
15.2 Urban Number 2015-16 10
16 Bus Station/ Bus Stop Number 2015-16 166
17 Railway Station (Including Halts) Number 2015-16 7
18 Length Of Railway Line
18.1 Broad gage KM 2015-16 82
18.2 Minor gage KM 2015-16 0
19 Post Office
19.1 Urban Number 2015-16 30
19.2 Rural Number 2015-16 215
20 Telegram Number 2015-16 1
21 Teliphone Connection Number 2015-16 11105
22 Commercial Bank
22.1 Nationalized Bank Branches Number 2015-16 76
22.2 Other Number 2015-16 36
23 Rural Bank Branches Number 2015-16 58
24 Cooperative Bank Branches Number 2015-16 25
25 Branches of Cooperative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks Number 2015-16 4
26 Fair Price Shops
26.1 Rural Number 2015-16 624
26.2 Urban Number 2015-16 156
27 Bio gas plant Number 2015-16 2120
28 Cold Storage Number 2015-16 2
29 Agricaltur
29.1 Sown Area Thousand Hect. 2014-15 352
29.2 Area Sown More then Once Thousand Hect. 2014-15 89
29.3 Pure Irrigated Area Thousand Hect. 2014-15 255
29.4 Gross Irrigated Area Thousand Hect. 2014-15 261
29.5 Agricultural Production
29.5.1 Food Grains Thousand MT 2014-15 346
29.5.2 Sugar Cane Thousand MT 2014-15 52
29.5.3 Oilseed Thousand MT 2014-15 12
29.5.4 Potato Thousand MT 2014-15 11
30 Climate
30.1 Rain
30.1.1 Normal MM 2015 611
30.1.2 Actual MM 2015 378.2
30.2 Temprature
30.2.1 Maximum Centigrade 2013-14 45.2
30.2.2 Minumum Centigrade 2013-14 2.5
31 Irrigation
31.1 Length Of Canal KM 2015-16 1916
31.2 State Hand Pump Number 2015-16 611
31.3 Personal Hand Pump/ Pump Set Number 2015-16 14858
32 Animals Husbandry
32.1 Total Animal Number 2012 806376
32.2 Animal Hospitals Number 2015-16 20
32.3 Animal Hospitals Category D Number 2015-16 6
32.4.1 Cattle service Center Number 2015-16 5
32.4.2 Artificial Insemination Center Number 2015-16 59
33 cooperative
33.1 Initial Agricultural credit Cooperative Society Number 2015-16 70
33.2 Members of Committees Number in thousand 2015-16 202.51
34 Industryes
34.1 Registered Factories Under the Industrial act 1948 Number 2012-13 27
34.2 Small Industrial Units
34.2.1 Number Number 2015-16 542
34.2.2 Working Persons Number 2015-16 2520
35 Education
35.1 Primary School Number 2015-16 2185
35.2 Highschool Number 2015-16 1049
35.3 Secondary School Number 2015-16 283
34.4 Alternative education centre Number 2015-16 0
35.5 degree collage Number 2015-16 49
35.6 PG Collage Number 2015-16 8
35.7 University Number 2015-16 0
35.8 Industrial Training Institutes Number 2015-16 6
35.9 Polytechnic Collage Number 2015-16 1
35.10 Teachers training Institute Number 2015-16 0
35.11 Engineering Collage Number 2015-16 0
35.12 Medical Collage Number 2015-16 1
36 Public Health
36.1 Hospital & Despensary
36.1.1 Allopathic Number 2015-16 6
36.1.2 Ayurvedic Number 2015-16 41
36.1.3 Homeopathic Number 2015-16 19
36.1.4 Hellenic Number 2015-16 2
36.2 Community Health centre Number 2005-16 12
36.3 Primary Health centre Number 2015-16 37
36.3.1 Family and Maternal welfare centre Number 2015-16 13
36.3.2 Family and Mother Child Welfare centre Number 2015-16 283
36.4 Special Hospital Number
36.4.1 TB Number 2015-16 1
36.4.2 Leprosy Number 2015-16 1
36.4.3 Infectious Desease Number 2015-16 0
37 Paved Roads Length
37.1 Total Length of Road KM 2014-15 2727
37.2 PWD Road Length KM 2014-15 2700
38 Electrification
38.1.1 Electrified total Villages Number 2015-16 942
38.1.2 Electrified Habitat village Number 2015-16 942
38.2 Electrified Town Number 2015-16 10
38.3 Electrified SC/ST Colony Number 2015-16 97
38.4 Non Electrified SC/ST Colony Number 2015-16 0
39 Faucet/Hand pump India by Mark-2 brought under water
39.1 Village Number 2015-16 942
39.2 Town Number 2015-16 10
39.3 Stringent Village Number 2015-16 0
39.4 Faucet/Hand pump India by Mark-2 brought under water supply note serve in SC/ST colony Number 2015-16 0
40 Entertainment
40.1 Cinema House Number 2015-16 1
40.2 Number of Seats in Cinema House Number 2015-16 897
41 District Domestic total net products (2004-05 Prices) in Crore Rs. 2011-12 3261.46
in Crore Rs. 2012-13 3663.2
in Crore Rs. 2013-14 2983.27
42 District Domestic total net products (at prevailing prices) in Crore Rs. 2011-12 5554.62
in Crore Rs. 2012-13 6561.18
in Crore Rs. 2013-14 5837.66
43 Net Deposits in National Savings in lakh Rs. 2015-16 6060.25
44 Total on District Sector Scheme Expenditure Outlay
44.1 Coast in thousand Rs 2013-14 2032500
in thousand Rs 2014-15 6273470
in thousand Rs 2015-16 4629800
44.2 Actual Expenditure in thousand Rs 2013-14 5046970
in thousand Rs 2014-15 5046970
in thousand Rs 2015-16 1639330