

Description of Basic Medical and Health Services District Jalaun
Sr Designation Officer Mobile
1 CMO Dr. Narendra Dev Sharma 9415143066
2 ACMO Dr. Virendra Singh 9412185429
3 ACMO Dr. Arvind Bhoosan 9897304629

Schemes operated by Health Department, District Jalaun

 Janani Suraksha Yojana-

Under the scheme, accelerated free registration of the pregnant women is promoted in the country and institutional delivery, for which for every pregnant woman, Rs.1400 / – in rural areas and 1000 urban areas given for institutional delivery, Asha is given Rs 600 for of various works  as per rule. In the case of domestic delivery to the beneficiaries of BPL categories, a payment of Rs 500 is made directly to the beneficiaries bank accounts through PFMS.

 Janani shishu Suraksha Yojana-

Under this scheme, the following benefits are available free of cost to the beneficiary woman – like free food, food, treatment, visits, blood transfusion (given by family member).

  •  National Child Health Program – All children aged 0-19 years in rural areas are covered with free regular health check, treatment and referrals. For which a dedicated medical team (two medical officers, one paramedical and one nursing staff) in all the schools and the AWC centers, according to the microplan at the prescribed date, the school is conducting medical examination of the children in the Anganwadi centers. After this, children with severely ill / congenital defects are referred to the higher reference units for treatment. In all the high reference units on every Saturday of the week, the therapeutic team takes the children to the treatment / surgery.
  •  Regular Immunization- Under this program, children from 0 to 5 years of free immunization for vaccine free BCG, DPT, OPV, Meegles , Hepatitis and 8 vaccine diseases will be kept for the day of the vaccination session on weekdays and Saturday. Is organized.
  •  Family Welfare Program – To control the growing population, the family welfare program is run in the district. Under this program beneficiary of Rs. 3000 / – and beneficiary of women sterilization for the beneficiary who has got male nabandi (NSV) The amount of Rs 2000 / – is payable. Condoms, contraceptive pill, caps, shadow (weekly pills), intra (injectable radical) are available free of charge in all government hospitals under temporary contraception methods.
  •  National Tuberculosis Control Program – Under this program, check and complete treatment of TV patients is provided free of cost.
  •  National Anti-Drought Redressal Program – Under this program, the operation of patients of cataract in the district is done through IOML method through government and non-governmental organizations. Under the School Eye Skrinting Program, the Eye Testing Assistant (OA) on the district is given eye checkup for children from 8 to 14 years and available free sunglasses of check numbers to children found to be suffering from vision defects.
  •  National Leprosy Prevention Program – Under this program, screening and complete treatment of leprosy patients is free. Financial support is also provided by the government to patients affected by leprosy and pension is proposed by the government to patients with disabilities.
  •  Vector Barn Disease Control Program- To make efforts to prevent malaria, dengue, filariasis and diseases related to disease by preventing diseases in the population. It is free to check and treat blood on all PCHC / CCHC.
  •  Under the Chief Minister’s Health Protection Fund (State Health Fund), financial assistance to the sufferers suffering from serious diseases, living below the poverty line, 150000 / – is provided .. Tariff is provided.
  •  Socialist Ambulance Service (108 Ambulance) – This is a complete free service, call 108 toll-free number in case of any medical contingency. To get the beneficiary to the nearest state health unit and free arrangements to reach higher unit if necessary.
  •  102 Ambulance Services – This is a complete service free of charge. Pregnant women, sick children and sterilized lethals up to one year of dialling 102 toll-free number are given the convenience of taking the nearest state hospital and leaving the hospital back home.
  •  Prime Minister Mata Vandana Yojna Program Report: If any woman is pregnant, the Government should give a total assistance of Rs.5000 / – in three instalments to give good health and proper food to the woman for her care. Has been there.
  •  National Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes and Stroke Control and Prevention Program Progress Report August 2018: – National Cancer, Heart Diseases, Diabetes and Stroke Control and Prevention Program in the year 2010-11 for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases by the Indian government. (NPCDCS) and National Veterinary Health Service Program (NPHCE) were started. In the district this program was started in the year 2013-14.
  •  National Tobacco Control Program Progress Month August 2018: – The Government of India passed the National Tobacco Control Act in May 2003 (named after the Prohibition of Advertising and Regulation of Delivery of Trade and Commerce Production and Distribution), “Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act” Gaya. India has ratified the agreement of WHO-Framework “WHO. FCTC” for Tobacco Control in February 2004. Apart from this, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, to facilitate the effective implementation of the Tobacco Control Act, to disseminate awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco and to fulfil the obligations of WHO-FCTC, in 42 districts / 21 states of the country And in the Union Territories of the National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) in the year 2007-08. This program started in the year 2015-16 in Bharbala District, in the year 2015-16.
  •  Mental Health Program August 2018: In severe mental disorders, schizophrenia by polar disorder, organic psychosis and deep depression, there are 20 people suffering from 1000 population. This population needs constant treatment and regular attention. About one crore people in the country are mentally ill and do not get appropriate treatment. More than half of the treatment is never cured. It is important to not be aware of the availability of treatment and the benefits of treatment. On the one hand, the vast population of the country, on the other hand, is a psychotherapeutic availability of less than three lakh population of psychiatrists. In rural areas, where 70 percent of the population lives, the proportion of psychiatrists can be less than one million. The program was started in the year 2017 in the district.
  •  Ayushman Bharat: – This scheme is also called the Prime Minister Jan Swasthya Yojana (PM-JAY). In fact this health insurance scheme will be available for 10 million households annually under the health insurance scheme PM-JAY. / Ayushman Bharat Scheme ABY aims to provide health insurance to poor, neglected families and families of urban poor people. According to the Social Economic Census (SECC) 2011, 8.03 crore rural families and 2.33 crore families of urban areas will be covered under the Ayushmann Bharat Scheme (ABY). In this way 50 million people will come within the purview of PM-JAY. In Ayushman Bharat Scheme (ABY), every family will get medical insurance of Rs five lakh annually. Beneficiaries of Ayushman Bharat Scheme (ABY) can get treatment in all government hospitals. At the same time, treatment can also be done in the private hospital included in the government panel.




  1. District Level Hospital ‘2 (District Male & Women’s Hospital Orai)
  2. CHC- 7
  3. PHC- 35
  4. District Level Other TB Control Unit-1
  5. District level leprosy control unit-1

Chief Medical Officer Jalaun at Orai
District Health Department details  (PDF 384 KB)

District Organizational Structure