

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I am not good in English. Do you have website in Hindi language too?

    Yes, This website have both Hindi and English version You can find this option at top right corner.

  2. I have a grievance to lodge? How can I lodge my grievance online?

    The grievance can be lodged and its status can be monitored through the Online Public Grievance Redressal “Lodge Your Complaints” link available at home page of the portal.

  3. Will I be able to browse this website on my mobile?

    Yes, the website can be browsed on the mobile devices having Internet connectivity, for which you may contact your mobile service provider.

  4. I am an elector of the Assembly and Lok Sabha. How can I find out polling station list of my assembly?

    Please go to the District election portal and there is an “election updates” option in which you will get not only polling station list but also contact no of BLO and supervisor. or go to the link “Know your booth level officer (BLO)” for your all details.

  5. Who is responsible for maintaining the official website ?

    District Administration Jalaun has formed a team headed by the web information manager, which is responsible for maintaining the website. The NIC District Centre Jalaun is responsible for design, development of content as per respective Departmental requirements for the website.

  6. My question is not listed here under FAQs. How can my query be addressed ?

    Feedback option at home page of the website can be used to send your query or question, the same will be replied and can be added to the FAQ section.

  7. I have colour blindness. Can I get see this website in colour using different colour combinations ?

    Change contrast scheme links are at top right corner of website pages and can be used to change the text colour as per convenience.

  8. Can I increase or decrease the text font of the content in this website ?

    Yes, the link to increase or decrease the text size is available at top right corner of every page of the website as A+, A- .

  9. Will I be able to browse this website on my mobile ?

    Yes, the website design is responsive and the pages can be viewed from a mobile platform as well.

  10. How can I view all content available on this website in one go ?

    The Sitemap page of the website lists all content of the website in one go in index format and this ‘Sitemap’ link is available at top right corner of every page of the website.

  11. How can I, as a citizen, contribute in this website as part of Governance process?

    Citizens can contribute by sending their views , suggestion and feedback about the District matters through the Feedback option available at home page of the web portal.