
Claims and objections

Claims and objections in draft publication for elector roll and polling station list

With the aim of promoting the Republican rule through the election process, giving general information to the public and making the power of citizens prosperous, with the transparency of the Election Commission and the Chief Electoral Officer, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, through the election process, every year Prepare error free and updated voter list through continuous process. In today’s electronic era, we are able to reach every voter, Voter registration centers have been set up in Tehsils of district and headquarter for the purpose of providing free and fair information and online availability of voting facts and voter identity card for voters. Invaluable cooperation and suggestions are requested in the participation of a strong democracy from all the citizens of the district.

After summary revision or rationalization we provides these information to political parties and Citizen and invites their claim and objections they can submit it to their Booth level agent (BLA) then Booth level officer (BLO) for further investigation after this process The Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) takes final decision either accept or reject.

Publication Polling Station list (PDF 550 Kb)