
Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK)

Date : 01/06/2011 - | Sector: Health


In view of the difficulty being faced by the pregnant women and parents of sick new- born along-with high expenditure on delivery and treatment of sick- new-born, Ministry of health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has taken a major initiative to ensure better facilities for women and child health services. It is an initiative  to provide completely free and cashless services to pregnant women including normal deliveries and caesarean operations and sick new born(up to 30 days after birth) in Government health institutions in both rural & urban areas.

Government of India has launched Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) on 1st June, 2011.

The scheme is estimated to benefit more than 12 million pregnant women who access Government health facilities for their delivery. Moreover it will motivate those who still choose to deliver at their homes to opt for institutional deliveries. . It is an initiative with a hope that states would come forward and ensure that benefits under JSSK would reach every needy pregnant woman coming to government institutional facility. All the States and UTs have initiated implementation of the scheme.

The following are the Free Entitlements for pregnant women:

  • Free and cashless delivery Free C-Section
  • Free drugs and consumables
  • Free diagnostics
  • Free diet during stay in the health institutionsFree provision of blood
  • Exemption from user charges
  • Free transport from home to health institutions
  • Free transport between facilities in case of referral
  • Free drop back from Institutions to home after 48hrs stay

The following are the Free Entitlements for Sick newborns till 30 days after birth.This has now been expanded to cover sick infants:

  • Free treatment
  • Free drugs and consumables
  • Free diagnostics
  • Free provision of blood
  • Exemption from user charges
  • Free Transport from Home to Health Institutions
  • Free Transport between facilities in case of referral
  • Free drop Back from Institutions to home


Beneficiary type (Eg: women, children), Sector (Eg: Health)


Eg: Monetary benefit, Free treatment